Continuing Education

Therapists Expand their Knowledge At

Contining Education Classes.

Tracy Ervin, PT

Tracy Ervin, MPT and partner at the Center for Physical Rehabilitation, just completed Module 1 of the Fascial Distortion Model. 

The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is an anatomical perspective, originated by US physician Stephen Typaldos, D.O., in which “the underlying etiology of virtually every musculoskeletal injury (and many neurological and medical conditions) is considered to be comprised of one or more of six specific pathological alterations of the body’s connective tissues (fascial bands, ligaments, tendons, retinacula, etc.).  As a model, the FDM is an abbreviated interpretation of the pathology of fascial injuries and contemplates the structural consequences of orthopedic, medical, surgical, and manipulative interventions.”

Some common injuries that are easily resolved with FDM manual treatments include: pulled muscles and muscle tears, sprained ankles, shin splints, Osgood-Schlatter Disease, whiplash, headaches, shoulder pain, frozen joints, kidney stones, plantar fasciitis, sprains, strains and tendonitis, and low back pain.  Chronic pain can also be successfully treated using the FDM, but results typically take longer than for acute injuries. Sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome and many other injuries can also be successfully treated in this model. 

Dave Little, PT, CHT participated in the prestigious Indiana Hand and Shoulder Clinic in Indianapolis, IN.  There he learning updated hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder rehabilitation protocols for physical therapy care. This includes acute, chronic, and post surgical interventions which may include splinting, manual therapy, and home programs.

He also met with the Joint Activated System (JAS) group in which our office in the past and now presently continues to provide measurements, fitting and adjustments for JAS splints to help with static-progressive splinting for the UE and LE contractures that may occur post injury or surgery.

Dave Little, PT, CHT
Andrew Graham, DPT

Andrew Graham, DPT recently attended a course in Salt Lake City, UT to learn about the Graston Technique.  He participated in this two day course that instructed in the use of specific instruments to provide assistive soft tissue mobilization techniques to improve specific ares of scar tissue, tissue, adhesions, and to increase range of motions with restricted joints.

He is now a provider of the Graston Techniques and would be happy to discuss your options as a patient regarding the technique and how it can help you.

 Lindsey Ketterling, DPT, SCSC recently attended  The American Institute of Balance Vestibular Rehabilitation Course in Mesa, AZ.

This was a three day intensive course furthering knowledge and updating techniques for evaluating and treating dizziness and vertigo including BPPV.

During this course she received her Vestibular Rehabilitation (AIB-VRC) certification.

Lindsey Ketterling, DPT, SCS