
Enhancing Balance:. The Science Behind Effective Balance Training. -Marc Lambert, DPT; CPR Employee Balance is a fundamental aspect of human movement and functionality. From simple daily tasks like walking and standing, to more complex athletic activities. Maintaining balance is crucial for injury prevention, performance optimization, and overall well-being. As a physical therapist, I've observed the impact that balance training can have on individuals of all ages and abilities. In this guide...
Posted on 2024-02-09

Post-Concussion Syndrome

Post-Concussion Syndrome. Written By CPR Employee: Brandon Walker, DPT, ATC The year is 1996, you’re watching your favorite sitcom and a Snickers commercial pops on.  During the commercial a football player takes a hard hit.  As he goes to get up his coach runs over to him, tells him to hold on, and asks: “Where are you?” “New York” “Who am I” “You’re Coach” “And who are you? ……in a deep voice &ldqu...
Posted on 2023-12-11

Stress & Pelvic Pain

Stress and its Relation to Pelvic Pain. -By Sami Ashenbrener, DPT, PCES; Partner at CPR One fact of life is that stress is a universal aspect of living. Although many of us learn successful coping skills over the course of a lifetime, stress may lead to processes within our body which are unseen but may have physical effects and addition to emotional symptoms. From a physical therapy standpoint, mental stress, anxiety, and depression can be a major piece of the puzzle when addressing pain, thu...
Posted on 2023-11-08

Bone Bruising

Bone Bruising Can Affect Anyone. -Buck Taylor, PTA; CPR Employee     My son came to me last year after a game complaining of excruciating knee pain. So naturally we sent him to the dr and prayed for the best. The results were a blessing in that nothing was ruptured, torn or avulsed. However that didn’t mean the pain wasn’t  nearly debilitating. Bone bruising, often overlooked compared to fractures and other orthopedic injuries, can be a painful and debilitating condi...
Posted on 2023-10-02

Parkinson's Disease & Physical Therapy

Parkinson's Disease & Physical Therapy. -Sutherland Wyatt, DPT; CPR Physical Therapist. What is Parkinson’s Disease.             Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that affects over 12 million people worldwide with 1 million living in the US. It is the second most prevalent neurological disease (Alzhiemers is first) and can drastically change the quality of life for individuals. Parkinson’s Dise...
Posted on 2023-07-28
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